Permission and Health Forms – FAQ

EvBoo provides the ability to create online Permission and Health Forms. Participating Group and Service Team Leaders trigger personalised emails to be sent to parents or adults attending. These are event specific however gather all the required information and store it online. In addition, parents and adults can download a PDF version of their form, which can be printed, signed and returned to the group leader. The Group Leader and the event organising teams can then access the required information online which provides huge benefits and allows onsite first aid teams prompt access to health information.

Frequently asked questions

I cannot access my permission form

When accessing the permission and health form for the first time, where possible you should always follow the unique link provided. Then you will be asked to supply the surname of the participant and to confirm you are not a robot.

The most common issue here is participants full name is provided rather than just their last name. Please check how you are entering your name to ensure this is correct.

If you are entering just the participant’s surname, then please ensure it is entered exactly. Participants with hyphenated names should try and ensure the formatting matches the name in the email. On some occasions the surname is spelt incorrectly. Where this happens, the participant’s leader will need to be contacted to change the name. The organisers of the event cannot change the participants surname, so do not reply to the email.

If you are still struggling, contact the participant’s leader to check the surname and spelling.

I’m not a robot / problems with the Recaptcha Box

When access the permission and medical form, a tool known as Recaptcha is used as a security measure. It is essential all information provided is protected and it is possible for a computer is attempt to gain access by submitting the form using many different combinations. This is known as a brute force attack.

A Recaptcha tool uses advanced techniques to determine when the form is being completed by a human rather than a computer (or robot). In many cases just by clicking the box achieves this check. However for some they are asked additional questions and have to select images. Please follow the instructions to complete, if you struggle, you may need to ask someone for help.

Further details on the recaptcha tool (which is provided by Google) can be found here –


I have not received an email for my permission / health form

Each permission / health form is unique and is linked to an individual participant. Therefore it is essential you receive the personalised link for the participant. If you have not received an email and you are expecting one we suggest you try the following …

  1. Check your email box thoroughly, including any SPAM or Junk Folders. If you find one there, please ensure you mark it as being safe.
  2. Email your participants leader to inform them you have not received the link. This will then help them to ensure they have used the correct email address.
  3. Ask the leader to keep trying. Some service providers, in particular Hotmail / etc seem to class the message as SPAM, however a second or third attempt often is successful.
  4. Try another email address (send the the leader and then forward on for example).

If all else fails, please contact your Event Admin Team.

The name, date of birth or other information is wrong

If any of the information included in the form is incorrect please contact your leader. They will need to make the updates on the booking system, which will then flow into your form. Provided the participant details are edited by your leader, they will flow down into the form, so you can continue to complete it.

It is essential the printed form is not altered as this will not be reflected in the central database and could lead to incorrect information being supplied to our first aid or any emergency treatment professional (e.g. hospital).

The Event Admin team cannot correct this so do not reply to the email.

I have forgotten my password

If you have forgotten the password to your permission / medical form, then you will need to delete and recreate the form. This can be performed by clicking on the personalised link, entering the correct surname, entering an invalid password and completing the “I am not a robot” test. Having submitted that incorrectly, a delete button is available. Clicking on this will allow you to delete the current form and restart from the beginning.

I don’t have access to a printer and cannot print the form

Once the form has been completed and saved it is possible to download and print the form. Forms are dynamically generated using PDF format. This is a common tool for providing read-only documents across multiple platforms.

You should ensure you have Adobe Reader or a compatible reader installed on your computer or device to ensure you can open this file format. You can test that using “Test 2” in the following test page –

If you don’t have access to a printer we recommend you see whether you can access printer somewhere else, this maybe at work, at school, in a library or a friend or relative. If this is not possible, please speak to your leader.

We do not recommend emailing the PDF document as email is not secure. Instead, download the document onto a USB memory stick or login to the site from another machine.